Monday 15 July 2019

The best advert for a Humanist Ceremony, is a Humanist Ceremony!

It's a pleasant fact of a Celebrant's life that conducting ceremonies leads to more ceremonies.

People see a great ceremony and that helps to make their mind up that a Humanist Ceremony is the right choice for them.  They often go one step further, and decide that they want that same Celebrant as well.

This works equally for weddings and funerals, but as this is a wedding blog, I'll stick to that - although that does make me think I should start a funeral blog as well. Some of the stories that you get told are just amazing, but maybe later.

One wedding in particular that I conducted has led directly and indirectly to at least another eight ceremonies (off the top of my head) and one still to come this year. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of  record. 

This ceremony took place a long time ago (September 2014) in a village hall far, far away ... (Madderty Village Hall - if you know where that is without googling it, then fair play!)

Step forward Ellanor and Ally!

An integral part of a Humanist ceremony, at least the ones I conduct anyway, is the couple's story. It's important to me that this part of the ceremony be in the couple's own words. However, if the Celebrant pauses at the wrong point, then entirely the wrong impression can be given, causing the Bride some slight embarrassment, which was captured brilliant by this pic.

Sometimes this pause can be deliberate, because the Celebrant thinks he's funny 😎

Looking back, the whole atmosphere on the day was just perfect. The hall had been decorated, the bar was well stocked and looking like it would last until at least 6pm, the weather was nice, the ceremony was brilliant, there was a hog-roast waiting outside for the hungry guests. As I say, just perfect.

To cap off a splendid day, I was able to persuade the chef to rustle up a couple of rolls and roast pork from the just that minute finished roast, with some most excellent pork-scratching which provided a hungry Celebrant with sustenance on the way back down the road. No photos of this unfortunately, as I was too busy eating. Also, I was the first to get a roll, and I didn't want to rub it in.

In recognition of her contribution to Humanism and Humanist Ceremonies, Ellanor felt very strongly (i.e. demanded) that I should refer to her as "my favourite Bride (TM)". I have registered this trademark with the Intellectual Property Office, so that no one else can use it.

Ally and my favourite Bride (TM).

Since that day, I've had the pleasure of bumping into the couple on numerous happy occasions.

For example:

There may be more in the pipeline, so long as the couple don't run out of unmarried friends. Or friends who are looking to give marriage another whirl. I'm a Humanist, so these things make no difference to me!

All the best guys and see you at the next one!

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