Friday 21 December 2012

Humanist Association of Ireland Weddings to get legal status

More great equality news from our friends and colleagues in the Republic of Ireland. A lesson for the rest of us in how to use a zeitgeist to make real progress.

Click here for the official release from the Humanist Association of Ireland.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


It's been a long time coming and for a former IT expert the only excuse I have is "I just didn't have the time" however my new blog is now up and running.

I hope to be able to post as many weddings as possible on here to give anyone interested in a Humanist Ceremony an idea of what they can expect for their own ceremony.

I also hope that you enjoy reading and that, if you are thinking of choosing me as your Celebrant, you get an idea of my style and my sense of humour.

Happy reading!

Same-sex marriage law a step closer

I was delighted to see the consultation on the above Bill released on the 12th December.

Click here to open the official Scottish Govt consultation

Not only does it bring true marriage equality one step closer, it also creates a separate category for an organisation such as the HSS.

At present each HSS Celebrant is authorised on a yearly basis. The new Bill brings the HSS into line with religious organisations in that Celebrants will be authorised on a five yearly basis.

However, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip and no doubt the major religions will continue in their attempts to water down or even de-rail the legislation altogether.

The HSS, along with it's partner organisations that make up The Equality Network will do their utmost to ensure that this Bill becomes law.

My first wedding post

Wedding of Lucy and Pete; Neidpath Castle in the Borders

Location wise it doesn't get much better than this. I don't have any shots of the full castle so click here to see the official website which also shows the reception rooms inside.

Opting for a wedding outdoors is a risky proposition in Scotland at any time of year but thankfully the weather held.

The beautiful setting by the River Tweed
The whole ceremony was wonderfully relaxed and we all enjoyed every minute of it. There is the old adage of "never work with children or animals" but if you are prepared to let go a little bit and see what happens, you can be rewarded with something memorable, as the picture below shows.

The falcon has spied Pete's sporran and swoops in...

The best man retrieved the rings from our feathered messenger which takes us nicely to...

The important bit!

Swiftly followed by...

Sealing the deal
I love how their wee girl is so completely.... underwhelmed by it all.

The happy couple on the ramparts after the ceremony.
Here's what Lucy and Pete had to say about their big day:

"You were brilliant, you worked out exactly what we had in mind and developed it into a fab ceremony with just the right amount of humour (lots!) and full of completely unique material that meant so much to us. I loved that even we never knew exactly how it would turn out till the day!

Your calm (even when the hawk tried to attack my sporran) and friendly approach, perfect delivery, and professional conduct throughout impressed everyone, guests haven't stopped raving about how much they enjoyed it. You seem to have inspired my brother-in-law to sign up to his local group...a conversion!!!

Praise indeed.

Thanks to Lucy and Pete for giving me permission to use the photos and their kind words.